
“Within weeks, my sleep improved, joint pain reduced - especially in my knees, and my blood pressure and heartbeat normalized. I was able to get a correct diagnosis of Hashimoto’s and after struggling for ten years without losing weight, I lost 18 pounds. I recommend Whole Health Partners to all of my friends who are having health or weight struggles.”

Christine, NC

“I LOVED this course and it has changed my perspective quite a bit. I look forward to continuing to apply what I have learned and possibly coming into the office to continue this journey.”

JG, North Carolina

“They really reinforced how interrelated all aspects are that pertain to our health.”

RR, North Carolina

“Last December, my doctor told me I was prediabetic and needed to take medicine. Like all of us, I didn't like that option. So she turned me on to Whole Health Partners instead. My triglycerides were 301 and my total cholesterol was 205. After 3 months of changing how I was eating, I went back to my doctor for blood work and my triglycerides dropped to 123 and my total cholesterol dropped to 158. My doctor said, "Wow, this medicine that I gave you is really working for you". I reminded her that she didn't give me any medicine, she gave me 90 days to change my lifestyle and I did. She was blown away!”


“I must say that for all I know about nutrition and having battled maintaining a better weight since my mid-late 30s, I realized I had no foundation. Much of what is shared in The Whole Health Reset is new to me or I had never even considered it before. You can’t build anything without a good foundation. In the first 3 weeks, I’ve lost 4.2lbs, and was also able to enjoy a few more indulgent meals during that timeframe. That’s a big win for me. ”

CS, Pennsylvania


6 Modules To Help You Live & Feel Better, Starting Now

    1. Welcome to The Whole Health Reset

    2. Tracking your progress

    3. Tell us a little about yourself

    4. Terms of Use

    5. Why Metabolic Health Matters

    6. What is Lifestyle Medicine?

    1. Introduction

    2. Self Audit: Audit Your Lifestyle Environment

    3. Science: Personal Value Statement

    4. Science: Defining Self Talk

    5. Why This Matters: Habit Science

    6. Mindset Reframe: Leaning Into Your Right Whys

    7. The One Thing

    8. Practical Strategies

    9. Action Steps - Module 1

    10. Coming Up Next

    1. Introduction

    2. Self Audit: Review your eating habits over the last 3 days. How many times did you eat each of the following foods?

    3. Science: The Nutrition Method

    4. Why This Matters: PCF Balance

    5. Why This Matters: Fasted and Fed State

    6. Mindset Reframe

    7. The One Thing

    8. Practical Strategies

    9. Action Steps - Module 2

    10. Coming Up Next

    11. Additional Resources

    1. Introduction

    2. Self Audit: Reviewing Your Nutrition Method

    3. Science: The Hunger Scale

    4. Science: Handling Indulgences

    5. Why This Matters: Head Hunger

    6. Mindset Reframe

    7. The One Thing

    8. Practical Strategies

    9. Action Steps - Module 3

    10. Coming Up Next

    1. Introduction: Building Awareness Around Movement, A Self Audit

    2. Action Steps - Enter Your Active Minutes

    3. Science: Exercise Myths

    4. Why This Matters: Benefits of Muscle Mass

    5. Mindset Reframe: Progress Over Perfection

    6. The One Thing

    7. Practical Strategies

    8. Action Steps - Module 4

    9. Coming Up Next

    10. Additional Resources

    1. Introduction

    2. Self Audit

    3. Action Step: Setting Intentions Around Sleep

    4. Action Step: Track Your Sleep

    5. Science: Sleep Myths

    6. Why This Matters

    7. Science: Sleep Disruptors

    8. The One Thing

    9. Mindset Reframe: Gifts Instead of Chores

    10. Practical Strategies

    11. Action Steps - Module 5

    12. Coming Up Next

    13. Additional Resources

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

It’s Time for a New Direction

We’ll help you move in a new direction… and not the same path you’ve been on before with traditional nutrition, diet or exercise programs.

Meet our Course Instructors

Dr. Kate Queen

Co-Founder and Medical Director

Dr. Queen — our Co-Founder and Medical Director —has practiced medicine for over 30 years, first as a public health nurse, and then as a medical doctor. Throughout that time she has maintained a strong focus on preventive healthcare and lifestyle medicine, especially working on comprehensive management of chronic diseases—including as a rheumatologist caring for individuals with bone, joint and muscle diseases, as well as serious systemic inflammatory conditions.

Jenni Grover

Founder, CEO and Director of Nutrition

Jenni (she/her) has been working to improve health outcomes and increase awareness of nutrition and lifestyle medicine throughout her 13+ years of experience as a practicing Registered Dietitian. She is a certified practitioner of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and is trained in Integrative Nutrition and Weight Management. She particularly loves working with patients on issues related to metabolic and women’s health.

Kait Atkinson

Director of Patient and Community Relations

For the past 10 years, Kait Atkinson (she/her) has been building relationships and improving the health of North Carolinians as a Registered Dietitian in various health care settings. Kait loves working alongside her patients while they pursue their health goals. She particularly enjoys diabetes prevention and reversal, as well as overall metabolic health. As Director of Community Relations, Kait collaborates with businesses and institutions to develop practical employee health programs focused on preventive care and a culture of wellness. She has a certificate in Pediatric Weight Management.

Ditch the Overwhelm

We are giving you our proven, tested methods so you’ll know exactly what to do. Our short, micro-learning videos and helpful downloadable resources will give you immediate take away points so you’ll be clear on your next steps.

  • 10 hours of video micro-learning lessons

  • 15+ downloadable PDFs with actions and checklists

You CAN Make Lasting Change!

You won’t succeed with quick fixes, long term. You need to target ALL the elements of health - nutrition, fitness, rest and mindset.